WPA Health Insurance London
Are you looking for a WPA registered Osteopath in London?
We can help, we are both registered Osteopaths with WPA and will claim on your behalf.
We just need your membership number and authorisation code.
How many sessions will I be able to claim?
It depends on your WPA policy, it’s always best to give them a call first so we know how many authorised sessions you have to use and ensure successful reimbursement.
Are you looking for a WPA registered Nutritionist?
Did you know Nutritionist sessions may also be covered within your WPA policy? Having spoken to WPA this is not an additional extra within a policy. If your presentation would benefit from Nutrition advice sessions this may be covered. The price of functional testing and supplements is unlikely to be covered. For further details see our nutritionist page.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact us
Our Osteopaths