Strengthening Exercises for Chronic Lower Back Pain

by Wellthy Clinic

Has your confidence been knocked?

Do you have limited functional movements?

Do you feel weaker than usual?

Do you feel like your pain affects your life, relationships and work?

By Co-Founder Matthew Glithero

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Why is strengthening important for
Chronic Lower Back Pain?

We are big fans of functional movement who encourage individuals through low impact progressive strengthening rehab exercises specific for you and your recovery. Maintaining the correct technique and maximising strength for the deep postural muscles groups are all important factors for your body’s physical health and to optimise recovery.

Studies suggest progressive strengthening exercise programs have been consistently effective in improving muscle strength and functional ability in older adults. As well as a reduction in the symptoms of various chronic diseases such as arthritis, depression, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, sleep disorders, and cardiovascular disease. 

If we take core muscles as an example, the relevance of core muscle functional strength is that it helps to maintain the stability of the spine during movement as these muscles are located around the lumbar spine region. One important function of the core muscles is to optimise the force transfer generated by the upper extremity movements to the lower extremities, during physical activity, and therefore maximise the positional control and movement of the trunk. Functionally training the core muscles improves the ability to coordinate full body motion by targeting muscles that improve lumbar stability which therefore reduce low back pain.

By Co-Founder Matthew Glithero

Strengthening exercises may help you regain confidence to perform daily movements, give you a sense of empowerment, reduce pain and help you get back to what you love doing. A consistent well targeted exercise program will also help increase flexibility, endurance and balance in order to prevent future pain and injury occurrences.

At Wellthy Clinic we are back pain specialists who recommend a combined approach of Osteopathy, Nutrition and bespoke Pilates exercises to help you feel better sooner.

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