Cranial Osteopath for Back Pain
Back pain can be severe and debilitating, usually in acute episodes or ongoing dull achy pain as part of a chronic pain condition. Cranial Osteopathy provides a gentle treatment option which can help a great deal with recovery. In this article we will discuss why back pain could occur and how cranial osteopathy could help reduce your back pain.
Reasons for Lower Back Pain
The most common reasons which contribute to feeling LBP are prolonged sitting at your desk and lack of exercise along with lifting items incorrectly and causing injuries. These can cause an additional mechanical load onto your lower back and cause a strain onto your muscles, ligaments and joints. In addition, typically movements will make it worse and resting will help ease your tensions. However Osteopath for lower back may not be the cause, typically osteopath for hip pain, osteopath for knee pain could be contributing towards your lower back tensions.
Treatments For Back Pain
Systemic review research suggests osteopathy is effective in pain levels for chronic lower back pain patients. A recent randomised controlled trial evaluated the effects of cranial osteopathy on disability, pain intensity, quality of life, and mobility in patients with low back pain. Ten sessions resulted in a statistically greater improvement in pain intensity and hemoglobin oxygen saturation. Also systolic blood pressure, serum potassium, and magnesium levels in comparison to 10 massage sessions massage in patients with chronic low back pain.
What Does Cranial Osteopathy Include?
Cranial osteopathy reduces stress and pain and promotes well-being. Cranial Osteopathy is a gentle hands on treatment which is applied mainly on the tissues of the head however can also be used on different parts of your body. Cranial Osteopathy works on the principles that gentle manipulation of your joints and tissues can reduce pains and promote overall physical well-being. Treatment can be relaxing and works with your body to activate the innate ability of the body to heal itself to remove restrictions and provide support to bring the tissues back into a state of balance.
Can I Benefit from This Treatment?
Yes, cranial osteopathy can help to reduce back pain. We have helped many clients with back pains. Cranial Osteopathy has a gentle approach but it can be really powerful with positive effects. Although the name would suggest treating just your head there are techniques to treat the whole body. It’s important to address the whole body not just Osteopath for lower back as typically osteopath for hip pain, osteopath for knee pain and other structures could be contributing towards your lower back tensions.
How Long Does It Take to Work?
The majority of our patients experience a positive reduction in pain severity and intensity after 3 or 4 sessions. However it depends on the patients ability to heal, their vitality and barriers to recovery. This is why in addition to hands on treatment we also give exercise, lifestyle and nutrition advice to give your body the best chance of recovery.
What is the Difference between Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathy?
The treatment techniques, generally speaking Cranial Osteopathy has a more gentle approach. Whilst Osteopathy can use joint articulations and spinal manipulations. However both have the same narrative that we recognise the body’s ability to heal if restrictions are removed to promote healing. The challenge is to identify the restrictions by working with the patients as these can be biological, psychological and social factors which are contributing towards your symptoms. At Wellthy Clinic we are trained in both treatment styles so can use one style or the other or both within a session depending on the clients and the presentation.
Why is my Lower Back Worse in the Morning?
It is normal for your LBP to feel worse first thing in the morning, this is a normal inflammatory picture. Inflammation is your body’s response to injury or insult and when you are sleeping the body sees this as a good opportunity to heal. Therefore you feel worse first thing in the morning as this process is still finishing but after you get up, have breakfast and a shower your symptoms should become a little easier. Typically as you head in the right direction the level of pain will reduce or you experience the symptoms for less time which is a good sign. Of course if there is no improvement with your symptoms then see your Osteopath or GP.
How Do I Know if my Bed is Causing Back Pain?
It is important to address your mattress and pillows as if they are old (more than 8 years old) and need changing this will not help. Typically we suggest a relatively firm pillow which keeps your head in the mid line (same line as your sternum) if you are lying onto your side. Ideally not a really thin pillow that you head is sidebending or a really big pillow that your head is sidebending the other way. In addition, as for mattresses we prefer pocket sprung mattresses which are relatively firm which support your spinal curves whilst you sleep. Ideally not really soft mattresses that your body sinks into the mattress and gives no support. If you are still unsure then get in contact with us.
How Do I Know if my Back Pain is Serious?
LBP can also be a result from other underlying conditions which refer to your lower back. These could be from your kidneys, digestive system and reproductive system to name a few. Typically you will experience constant pains and rest doesn’t necessarily help ease your tensions. In which case seek advise from your GP.
How is Lower Back Pain Diagnosed?
It’s not necessary to see your GP to gain a LBP diagnosis. Manual therapists (Osteopaths, physiotherapists or chiropractors) are able to diagnose low back pain more specifically. They will take a full case history and perform a physical examination with testing. Give you a diagnosis so you understand the cause of your pains and proceed with treatment.
What Happens at your First Osteopath Appointment?
During your first consultation a full case history will be taken to get an understanding about you. Then your presenting problem/s and current health situation will be discussed.
We will then assess your posture, ask you to perform some active movements. After that assess your joint ranges of motion passively and maybe perform some other tests. Moreover you will be given a explanation of the as to what is happening. Then we will then discuss your treatment options and agree with you on the type of treatment most suitable for your symptoms.
Can Osteopathy Help a Bad Back?
Yes! Our Osteopaths specialise in treating clients with back pain. Whether it has just started and it’s really painful or whether you have experienced back pains for years we would suggest trying Cranial Osteopathy to help reduce your pains. We also offer Paediatric Osteopathy for babies which could help with breastfeeding and cranial osteopathy issues and children. Interested? Book a consultation with us.
Cranial Osteopath for Back Pain References
Castro-Sanchez et al (2016) Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Journal of Alternative Complementary Medicine; 22(8): pp.650-7.
Dal Farra et al (2021) Effectiveness of osteopathic interventions in chronic non-specific low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis Complementary Therapies in Medicine
Licciardone, J., S. Stoll, et al. (2003). “Osteopathic manipulative treatment for chronic low back pain: A randomized controlled trial.” Spine 28(13): 1355-62.
Maniadakis N, Gray A (2000). The economic burden of back pain in the UK. Pain; 84:95-103.
NICE (2020) Back pain – low (without radiculopathy): How common is it?
Matthew Glithero
Matthew Glithero is an Structural (MOsT), Cranial & Paediatric Osteopath & Pilates instructor.